Camps held at the JCC’s Henry Kaufmann Family Park in Monroeville:
- J&R Day Camp
- Specialty Camps based at the Family Park
Bus transportation to and from central locations is offered daily and is included in the camp fee. Every camper is assigned a bus stop location and morning pick up and afternoon drop off time. Morning pick up is between 8:00am-8:45am and afternoon drop off is between 4:00-4:30pm. Trained bus monitors are assigned to each bus to ensure camper safety. Additional staff on the bus assist with supervision and monitoring camper behavior. Bus stop locations, as well as exact morning pick up and afternoon drop off times, are emailed to families two weeks prior to the start of camp.
Camps held at the JCC in Squirrel Hill, Our Lady of Grace School in South Hills, or JCC in South Hills –
Parents/caregivers provide transportation to and from camps based in each of these locations where children are greeted and signed in each day.