Preparing for life's journeys
C O N N E C T I O N S • V A L U E S • G R O W T H • F U N
We are in the business of building people.
We make smiles.
We promote encouragement.
We strive towards creating the ultimate cocoon of safety and comfort.
This is our responsibility: To prepare the next generation for the journeys that lie ahead.
We hope that every journey will be fair and just.
We hope that every journey will be filled with joy and happiness.
This is our responsibility: To prepare the next generation for the journeys that lie ahead.
We hope that every journey will be fair and just.
We hope that every journey will be filled with joy and happiness.
We hope that every journey will have a satisfying and formative conclusion.
Let’s be honest, not one of us knows what our kids will face.
With all of the uncertainty, how shall we prepare our kids for life’s journeys?
Send them to camp of course!
Send them to camp to CONNECT with friends, traditions and community that will support them along the way.
Send them to camp to learn VALUES that that will guide them at every turn.
Send them to camp to GROW in self-identity and independence so they are confident to forge ahead.
Send them to camp to have FUN because kids (and adults too) just need to have fun.
Prepare your children for life’s journeys by sending them to JCC Camps.

Our JCC Camp Values are values for everybody.
Our values are infused into our camps and everything we do, enriching our programs and the lives of all who participate and are rooted in Kehillah (community), which is what we build every day at the JCC.
Kavod (respect) speaks to how we treat others and comport ourselves—with honor, respect and dignity.
Chesed (kindness) relates to acts completed without the anticipation of receiving something in return.
Tikkun Middot (character) has to do with how we help build character—our own and especially in our youngest participants.