Why Traditional Day Camp?
With so many options: traditional days camps, overnight camps, sports camps, art camps, and more, how do parents even begin to choose which fit is best for their child?
Introducing Emma Litwak
Our new South Hills Day Camps Director and Director of Children and Family Services

Is my child ready for day camp?
The decision to sign your child up for camp is a big one for any parent. There is so much that goes through our minds as we consider whether or not our children are ready.
Back Pocket Games
During this current life of screen time for 8 hours each day during school, iPad playing time or movie watching doesn’t cut it any more. The kids want to run around and have fun! These quick go-to games and activities are what the camp world refers to as “back pocket games.” We are always prepared with a fun, quickly organized game or activity to pass the time and to redirect your child with little to no equipment or materials!
Lessons from camp: guiding the social and emotional growth of children
When the JCC launched All Day at the J, a program that creates pods of students in which staff support virtual learning, we were focused on ensuring that the academic needs of the children were being met. But, as camp professionals, it was not long before we recognized the need to incorporate what we do best – camp – into the daily routines of the children. Let’s use our expertise at encouraging and guiding the social and emotional growth of children with the children that walk through our doors every day.
Specialty & Performing Arts Camps Summer 2020 FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Updates are in effect until it’s been deemed safe to resume our normal schedule and activities at Specialty Camps and Performing Arts Camp (PAC).
READ MORESouth Hills Day Camps Summer 2020 FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Updates are in effect until it’s been deemed safe to resume our normal schedule and activities at South Hills Day Camp. Please refer to South Hills Day Camp’s Parent Manual for all standard camp procedures unrelated to the current health climate.
READ MOREJ&R Summer 2020 FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Updates are in effect until it’s been deemed safe to resume our normal schedule and activities at J&R Day Camp. Please refer to J&R Day Camp’s Parent Manual for all standard camp procedures unrelated to the current health climate.
Camp Would Help Re-Entry to a “New Norm”
Camp in the summer of 2020 would provide a welcome means of re-entry to our kids. I am a true believer in the power of camp as a means of furthering the social and emotional growth of our children. We, as camp professionals, have the added responsibility (and honor) of helping to guide your children from a difficult time full of uncertainty and confusion back into a time of happiness and comfort.